Dissemination means spreading knowledge about the international humanitarian law, fundamental principles of the Movement and other humanitarian values.
Humanitarian values that promote the Movement are :
- protection of life, health, and human dignity;
- respect for human being ;
- not to make difference based on nationality, race, sex, religious beliefs, class and political opinion.
- mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and eternal peace among people.
- voluntary services.
Three internationally recognized emblems, which are used by National Societies are: Red Cross, Red Crescent and Red Crystal.
One national society ( one country) uses one emblem .
Dissemination in RCS BH structure is carried out continuously, and target groups are most often youth, volunteers and staff of the Red Cross.
RCS BH structure pays a lot of attention to marking the 8. May- World Red Cross/Red Crescent Day and the Week of the Red Cross (8-15. May). All program activities are intensified during this period. Red Cross is promoted in public; that is a period of dissemination lectures that are held in schools and public squares. TV and radio dedicate a lot of its program to Red Cross. During Red Cross week primary schools organize fine arts and literary contests dedicated to the Red Cross. Every year on 08. May RCRS organizes distribution of baby parcels to babies born on World Red Cross day. On this occasion, Red Cross stamp is printed ( post stamp and for citizens) which is distributed during the Week. The purpose of these activities is to inform general public about Red Cross activities, but also to attract more members, volunteers and donors.