The goal of the program is to improve knowledge and train general population to provide first aid services. Main target groups of FA program are youth, general population, drivers, staff in companies, and multi-purpose field teams formed within the program of disaster preparedness and response. 

In compliance with the Strategic plan, RCS BiH strives to join to the European First aid network and to ensure its leading position in the country in the field of First aid. 

Thanks to great experience in this field and to the participation in development of European FA manual, RCSBIH started with the harmonization of its FA with IFRC global standards. Since September 2011 RCSBIH has had trainers with European certificate and conditions for valid training and certification in BiH. 

In the Red Cross of Republika Srpska, after finalized school year, First aid competitions are held at municipal, city, regional and  republic levels. Every year, around 15.000 young people in Republika Srpska pass through are First aid education in Republika Srpska. In Red Cross of the Federation of BiH ,one of its major tasks is First aid training for general population. FA training and competitions are organized every year and they gather young people from primary and high schools. Competitions are held at municipal, cantonal and federation levels. Given that municipal competitions are preceded by competitions in primary and secondary schools, one can assume that . in FBIH, around 50.000 young people pass through these competitions.

Main goal of the First aid training for youth and children is to include as more of them as possible in the program so that they gain basic FA skills, and to promote Red Cross in the field of First aid. 

Red Cross Society of BiH organizes state competition in which participate winning teams from entity competitions and the team from Brčko district. Winning youth team goes to European FA competition.

World First aid day, which is marked on the second Saturday in September, is marked by the the Red Cross through organizing FA exercises in most LRCs, what is a great form of a promotion of the program and what initiates recruitment of new volunteers.

Red Cross volunteers, in cooperation with police the , on cross roads and highways in bigger cities of FBIH, conduct surveys to check first aid elementary knowledge of drivers as well as to check their first aid kits in cars.